Computer Science Degrees & Resources Online


Computer science is the overarching title attributed to the discipline of utilizing computation and information in computer systems. Whereas computer programmers create source code and use programming language to make software, the computer scientist uses these software applications for practical purposes and to understand and utilize computational systems.

Computer Science Books

To master computer science, you will have to do a lot of reading on the subject. While your specific program may recommend certain computer science books to you, you will do well to read as many of the best computer science books as you can get your hands on. Some good texts to start with include 'The C Programming Language' by Brian W. Kernighan, 'C++ Primer' by Stanley B. Lippman, 'Introduction to Algorithms' by Thomas H. Cormen, 'Introduction to the Theory of Computation' by Michael Sipser and 'Concrete Mathematics, a Foundation for Computer Science' by Ronald L. Graham. Places to find computer science books online include, and your school library website.

Computer Science Articles And Databases

A terrific source of computer science articles is the Citeseer.Continuity database. This database lists all the most cited articles in computer science from 2006 back to 1990, so you have a great chance of finding the article you need, whether it be for research, information or to verify a theory. The database, is updated on a regular basis.

Online Computer Science Journals

Of course, most of the key computer science articles will be found in leading computer science journals. There is no shortage of computer science journals out there, many of which may be accessible through your school libraryĆ­s web page, the web pages of other libraries or through other computer science resources online. Some of these include Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, the Journal of Web Semantics and Logical Methods in Computer Science.